Sorry Pappii, I was wrong

Can you guess where I find myself at this moment? I’m standing amidst a panorama of life unfolding, watching my Pappii immersed in his element. His hands, stained with the grit of hard work, are shaping our dreams into reality at the construction site of our upcoming Filipino restaurant.

Today, I’ve been granted a glimpse into his world, a world that thrives on the rhythm of construction. There’s something profoundly humbling about watching him in action – engaging with the workers, lending a hand, guiding them. It’s a sight that exudes humanity and strength. And to think, this is my first time witnessing him at work!

In the past, I’ve found myself at odds with him, feeling as though I was the only one juggling the demands of a full-time corporate job and managing our start-up business. I felt he was indifferent, not caring as much as I did. But now, standing here in his world, I realise how wrong I was. My words from those days fill me with regret. How could I have been so harsh? How could I have compared his work to mine? The truth is, my work pales in comparison to his.

I recall a conversation we had during one of my more emotional moments. I told him, ‘It’s hard to keep up with you.’ His response was simple yet profound: ‘You don’t have to keep up with me or be above me. We just need to respect each other’s work ethics.’ At the time, I didn’t understand what he meant. I thought I was the hardest working and most organised. But now, it all makes sense.

His approach to work is unique. He may seem nonchalant or unknowing, but beneath that exterior lies wisdom and kindness towards his workers.

With this newfound understanding, I hope we can continue to nurture our relationship. However, there’s a concern that lingers – my emotional outbursts during certain times of the month often lead to heated conversations. May I find the strength to control these emotions because honestly, conflict is not what I seek. As I’ve mentioned before, I want to be his sanctuary, his peace – a refuge where he can find solace.

Pappii, thank you for your tireless efforts. My respect for you has only deepened.

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